Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Social Functions Of Political Systems - 1001 Words

Module 5 Essay Questions 1. What kinds of political systems are there and what are the social functions of political systems? There are several types of political systems that can be categorized including bands, tribes, chiefdoms, and states. Bands and tribes are considered uncentralized political systems, whereas chiefdoms and states are described as being more centralized (Kilman Module 5). It’s important to note that these forms of political systems aren’t static, meaning constant or unchanging. Rather, these systems continually shift and boundaries between the types of systems can easily become blurred (Kilman Module 5). Bands and tribes share some similar characteristics in that they are both relatively small. Bands in particularly†¦show more content†¦4. What is structural Violence and in what ways does it manifest in Haiti? How do myths about poverty and the concept of the American dream play into this? Structural violence is the notion that even when one attempts to do what is necessary to survive and thrive in a society, they still seem to be failed due to social influences, such as social structures/institutions (Kilman Module 5). Farmer explains the concept of structural violence in relation to the concept of oppression. (Farmer). In Haiti, it seems that those living in poverty have their lives intertwined with structural violence as they are denied access to basic human necessities, take for example health care and education. As a result, the people in Haiti are subjected to higher mortality rates and illiteracy rates. Farmer tends to focus primarily on the shortcomings of health care within Haiti, rather than education. The health care system is highly important to recognize in Haiti, as illnesses continue to thrive (such as AIDS and tuberculosis) and death rates continue to rise (Farmer). Haitians are seeking a better quality of life, although the results of past history and political instability have only further progressed structural violence. The American dream is typically portrayed as an equal opportunity experience. We are able to come to the United States to achieve success, wealth, higher education, or a general better quality of life. The speaker in Radio Lab uses theShow MoreRelatedThree Theoretical Approaches to Sociology1326 Words   |  6 Pagessociological perspective was Functionalism, a paradigm which analyzes social structures (such as religion, schooling, or race relations) to deduce what social functions (such as marriage conventions, college attendance, or hiring practices) derive from them. This theoretical approach views society as a system of inter-dependent social functions each working to maintain equilibrium and stability within the whole. 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