Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Primary Health Care and Health Promotion - 2541 Words

Primary Health Care and Health Promotion Introduction The significant improvement in primary health care and health promotion is an issue that should be applauded and appreciated. The members of the community i.e. Government health care agencies, nongovernmental health organizations and individual members of the community need to increase their efforts and corporation to ensure that the gains achieved in the PHC sector are not lost. PHC can be defined as the basic level of health care that is essential for a society and incorporates all programs aimed at the promotion of good health, timely diagnosis of diseases and disabilities and the prevention of factors and situations that can result into diseases(Integrating mental health into primary care: a global perspective, 2008). The prevention of diseases is important since it results into a huge decline in the cost incurred in treatment and losses arising from deaths and other prolonged duration of illness by individuals. Prevention is thus better than cure. According to the world health organization(WHO) 2008 report, PHC is defined as the fundamental health care that is hinged on practical, sociable, scientifically sound and acceptable technology and methods in order to ensure universal access to individuals and families in a community through their maximum participation and at an affordable cost that country and the community can afford and maintain in the future at each stage of its development and with the objectiveShow MoreRelatedHealth Promotion And Primary Health Care1537 Words   |  7 Pages‘Health promotion and primary health care principles are integral to public health as they seek extensive solutions to problems that defy biological, genetic or biochemical solutions’ (Mittlemark, cited in Keleher 2001, p. 7). However, health inequalities are still prevalent across the public health sector which need to be addressed. 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